7th Grade Social Studies

7th Grade Social Studies Standards for the state of Arizona can be found here


Distance Learning

School Closure Resources (find links specifically for use during our school closure here)

Social Studies/ Writing Week Assigments

To streamline my posting of material and your access, please follow this link to the distance learning page for everything that you will need as far as instructions and assignments during the school closure.


What is Geography WebQuest Links

National Geographic

Lizard Point Geography


World Atlas- Nations

World Atlas- Geo Quiz


Pilgrim and Wampanoag Webquest & Project



Pandemic: The Board Game on the App Store




The Butter Battle Book


British Empire

Imperial Britain Interactive Map see what countries were controlled by the United Kingdom in list and map form along with dates of colonization, other types of control and independence

British Holdings 1707-2017 Progressive Map Video- Youtube video that shows the progression of British holdings across the globe during this 200 year period or imperialism and expansion

The British Empire Today- Youtube by a British man expaining the official end of the empire as well as the layers of the United Kingdom and its interests today


"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages